
Headphones not in playback devices windows 10
Headphones not in playback devices windows 10

  • Click the volume icon in the system tray.
  • Connect your headphones to your Windows 10 PC.
  • Windows 10 should, ideally, detect and switch to any new audio devices that are connected to a system but it doesn’t always do that. Headphones Not Working: Windows 10 (FIX) 1.

    headphones not in playback devices windows 10

  • Make sure you’re pushing the pin all the way into the jack.
  • If it’s loose or damaged, it might be the reason the headphones aren’t being detected.
  • Check the headphone jack that you’re connecting the headphones to.
  • Connect the pair of headphones to another device, preferably a phone since they tend to work with them without any trouble.
  • Make sure your headphones are working fine before you start troubleshooting on Windows 10. Headphone jack not working? Check that first

    headphones not in playback devices windows 10

    If you’re trying to connect and use a normal pair of headphones and Windows 10 won’t recognize them, here are a few things you can try to fix the problem.

    headphones not in playback devices windows 10

    You might have problems if you’re using Bluetooth headphones - but you will find that even Bluetooth headphones connect more easily than other Bluetooth devices. If the speakers on a Windows 10 computer are working, chances are high that headphones will work as soon as you connect them.

    Headphones not in playback devices windows 10